Early Intervention
Ages Birth - 3
If you have a child birth to 3 years old and have noticed that your child is not developing skills such as walking, talking or playing like other young children, you may want to talk to your family doctor. He or she may be able to reassure you that children develop at different rates and your child is within the normal developmental scales. If, however, the doctor is concerned, or you are still not comfortable with your child’s progress, you may contact
Essex County Early Intervention (E.I.) Program (518) 873-3522
Essex County Department of Health Child Services
Early Intervention Program
Preschool Program
Children with Special Health Care Needs Program.
All are designed to help parents and families nurture their children and develop skills.
Early Intervention Program
The Early Intervention (E.I.) Program serves children from birth through age three (3) who are delayed in their development or have a diagnosed disability. Areas of delay may be in one or more area:
Physical development – including hearing and vision
Learning or cognitive development
Speech or language development
Social or emotional development
Self-help skills.
Delay criteria is determined by evaluation using New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) guidelines or a diagnosis included in a NYSDOH list.
If your child is eligible for the program, your Service Coordinator will assist you in developing a family-centered plan. Most services are provided at your home, day care, Head Start, or other community setting. Your Service Coordinator can assist you with other issues too such as connecting you to health insurance programs, other community resources, and information on child development. Any child residing in Essex County who meets the criteria of delay or who has a qualifying diagnosis is eligible for this program.