Photos & Slideshows
Grade 6 & 7 Students attended the
"CVTEC Career Explore 2020" Mineville.
Photos courtesy of J JohnsonK-12 Students and Staff explore how it can feel to have no sight, hearing or voice for January's Sensitivity Themed Meeting. February's theme is Choose Kindness - we all participated in creating kindness rocks, bookmarks and posters and hid & displayed them about the building to spread the word - We have a Choice, We Choose Kindness!
<<<<<Wilderness First Responder Course!
Students spent their Winter Break learning the important skill of WFR, important especially for our surrounding area! They were involved in 'rescues' and class lessons. Thank you to Ms. Werner, Mr. Doug Downs, HPEF and all who participated in this valuable course for our students!
Photos courtesy of Ms. Werner