

Keene Central School District has never had the luxury of being a recipient of a large amount of State aid. At this time of fiscal crisis, this has become an advantage for the district. The district is not dependent on State aid and therefore has not been hit as hard by that reduction of funding. The budget planning process is moving along with all eyes being focused on being frugal while maintaining quality programs and opportunities for students.

Curriculum and Standards changes are being made by New York State. Keene Central continues to interpret these changes and adjust our curriculum to align with these prescribed changes. As a result of adjustments to the Standards, assessments are being modified as well. Teachers work each day to prepare their students for these changes as well.

Preparing today’s students for the demands of tomorrow’s world is our largest challenge. The unknowns make this task daunting. What skills will people need to be successful in the world of tomorrow? How are young people motivated to challenge themselves and to work hard? Is the work we are asking of them the “right” work? These are but a few of the questions educators are grappling to answer.

Keene Central has developed a solid reputation of providing a quality educational experience while supporting the social and emotional growth of students. Given the challenges of tomorrow, the work before our school and our community is to continue to find ways of maintaining that quality experience and reputation. This task will take everyone working together, communicating clearly, sharing ideas and expertise, being supportive, being open to change and being open-minded. This work is being conducted throughout the country. If it can be successful anywhere, I am confident it can be successful in Keene. The Keene community comes together when things get tough and these are tough times in education.

Thank you for the on-going support.

Daniel J. Mayberry



I am excited to welcome all students, staff and families back in-person for the 2021-2022 school year. The capital project is well underway and almost all areas of campus will be affected. The momentary inconvenience will be well worth it when our new spaces are online and available to students, staff and community members.

While COVID remains a facet in our daily lives, KCS has worked to implement protocols to reduce risk and ensure the safety of all. Continued vigilance, patience and cooperation are much appreciated as we navigate this “new normal.” We ask that members of the Keene community continue to wear masks, wash their hands, maintain respiratory etiquette and stay home when they are not feeling well. If all do their part, we can ensure that we remain open for in-person learning and that our students can enjoy amazing place-based learning opportunities that are a hallmark of a Keene education.

Our little school nestled deep in the high peaks is one of a kind, and a most special place. I cannot thank students, staff, parents and community members for their ongoing support of Keene Central School.

Looking forward to another great year!

Best Regards,

Mr. Woughter